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How AMP Works? | Apprenticeships Program | Ask2Axcel Inc

How AMP Works?

Build Global Community of Top-Tier Human Capital

Axcel Master Program

At Axcel, we are experience in deal origination, IT architecture and solution, project management, human resources, and entrepreneurship allow us to structure a comprehensive programme that covers practical experience, technical knowledge, relevant life skills, incubator environment and evaluation of performance. It is a win-win solution for both the employers as well as graduates with a fraction of cost and time.

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Apprenticeship Stages

Stage 1 : Apprentice Selection

Apprentices are required to provide their details including resume, prior achievements, personal statements, personality test, qualifications and others for the selection database.

Upon getting apprentice requirements from companies, we would announce the apprenticeship opening in cohorts. Given the huge pool of talents from developing countries for a paid apprenticeship, we would filter the applicants for shortlisted candidates for companies.

Prior to the start of the apprenticeship, the selected apprentices will undergo an intensive bootcamp to prepare them for the apprenticeship.

Stage 2 : Apprenticeship & Incubator Program

The selected Apprentices will undergo an 18-month apprenticeship program, on a full time basis by working remotely. The apprentices are required to attend an Incubator Program that includes few technical online courses to ensure they have the fundamental technical skills for their selected track.

Various programs are included during this period to enhance the Apprentices’ credentials and improve their job skills. Reviews are conducted to establish a strong foundation for right attitude, job skills, technical knowledge and people skills.

Stage 3 : Probationary

Apprentices are ready to position themselves as aspiring top-tier human capital and start contributing to inspiring organizations. Apprentices undergo a 2-year probationary period to demonstrate their credentials and capabilities.

Apprentices will continue to practice continuous professional development and reviews to further enhance their credentials.

Stage 4 : Chartered AMP Members

Join the esteemed community of professionals with strong credentials as top-tier human capital, beyond profession based such as accountants, engineers, or lawyers. This will open up immense opportunities globally, contribute across various industries and serve as ambassadors to create impact globally.

a woman sitting at a table with a cup of coffee | ask2axcel

Start Your Apprenticeship