Becoming an Apprentice

Build Global Community of Top-Tier Human Capital

Why Join AMP?

  • Build your job credentials beyond university degrees
  • Launchpad to a strong career in developed countries
  • Gain important working experience through apprenticeship
  • Continuous development throughout incubator program
  • Earn while learning
three asian business people working in an office | ask2axcel
a woman sitting at a table with a cup of coffee | ask2axcel

Requirements to join AMP

  • 18 years old and above
  • Determined and willing to work hard & smart
  • Complete at least secondary or high school education
  • Able to work remotely on different time zone

From good talent (ACE), Rise to be Excellent (AXCEL) by adding the relevant Experience (X) and continuous Learning (L)





a blackboard with the words | ask2axcel

How to join AMP

To sign up as Apprentice by filling in brief information through Google Form

We are targeting to work with accelerators and venture capital firms to select the Employers of Choice.

Please find the public website links to Y Combinator, 500 Startups, Techstars, Sequoia Capital, and Softbank on their portfolio of companies.

(Note: we are not affiliated to any of the above companies nor endorsed by any of companies to promote them)